I don't think I've ever truly understood the meaning of lent until this year. It's about self-reflection and opening up your heart to God. I feel like lent has been happening for the past six months. Self-reflection, prayer and accepting God's relationship have helped me immensely throughout this journey. For lent this year, I believe I'll keep doing what I've been doing for the next 40 days.
{The cutest kids sporting their ashes at preschool}
Since YASC calls for much discernment, meditation, and reflection, the YASCers thought we'd come together to share parts of our journeys by reflecting on the Lenten lectionary. Each day a different missionary will be posting a meditation on the YASC Lenten blog. I hope you check it out!
For Ash Wednesday, though, we thought we'd do a photo journal of how Ash Wednesday is celebrated throughout the world. Below are my photos from our simple, quiet service held with the staff at the end of the work day.

And I want to leave you with a hymn, When We Are Living, we sung at the service. The lyrics resonated deeply within me that I can't help but share.
When we are living it is in Christ Jesus,
and when we're dying, it is in the Lord.
Both in our living and in our dying
We Belong to God, We Belong to God
Through all our living, we, our fruits must give,
Good works of service are for offering.
When we are giving, or when receiving
We Belong to God, We Belong to God
'Mid times of sorrow and in times of pain,
when sensing beauty or in love's embrace,
whether we suffer, or sing rejoicing
We Belong to God, We Belong to God
Across this wide world, we shall always find
those who are crying with no peace of mind,
but when we help them, or when we feed them,
We Belong to God, We Belong to God
Thanks for reading!
ReplyDeleteHere's a youtube video of the song
Margaret's dad