Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Church Feast Day

Did someone say "Feast"?

In the Diocese of Virginia, it's an uphill battle to get a bishop to come on the day you would like them to come confirm, baptize, and/or receive members of the church. With so many churches and a limited number of Sundays, bishops are in high demand.

Here in the Diocese of Santiago instead of picking a random Sunday, the church chooses it's patron saint's feast day to have the bishop confirm, baptize, and/or receive congregation members. Yesterday, happened to be St. Joseph's Feast Day, where I spent Christmas Day. The Bishop invited me to come along with him, Penny, and Ma'am Sandra.

{Padi Aura, Fr. Ralph, Bishop Alex, Fr. Eric, and Marina}

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Puppy Love

It’s been about two and half months now since I received Zoe. It feels like I’ve had her this whole time. She’s grown so much, not only physically but also personality wise. It’s been quite entertaining to watch her come into her own. I feel quite fortunate to have her! She’s great company and a great friend!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Little Things

It's funny how you can stumble on something that brings back a rush of happy memories. Last week, I was shopping around a local grocery store or mart. This place's skinny aisles are packed with product and sometimes if you get lucky, you can stumble upon hidden gems imported from the USA. I happened to be wandering the aisles for nothing in particular when I saw it - Kirkland Chocolate Covered Raisins!

{The infamous chocolate covered raisins}

Friday, March 14, 2014

Weekend Reading

Today, the Social Entrepreneurship Training went off without a hitch! It's such a relief for an event you've been planning for months to happen without any major issues. We have 36 participants who are eager to learn and use their new knowledge towards developing the cooperatives and churches they work with.

Now that the training is happening and almost done, I can get super excited and count down the days until Buck and Emily arrive! I've finalized the itinerary and it's going to be a whirlwind 10 days. I go down to Manila on Wednesday to pick them up from airport to bring them back up to see my place and meet my people in Santiago. I cannot wait to share a piece of my experience with someone from home.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Little Things

I don't know what happened to February and now March is quickly going by in a flash. This Friday and Saturday we're hosting a Social Entrepreneurship Training at the Diocesan Center. You may remember when I attended it back in October at the National Office. I recommended to my manager that the Foundation and Diocesan staff should attend it. He jumped on the idea. So since December, I've been working hard to plan, organize, and implement the training. I can't believe it's finally happening!

{Sunday Afternoon chillin' and trip planning}

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

School Pictures

Graduation is fast approaching for the Kinder 2 students of St. Mark's Learning Center I've been teaching once a week for the past few months. Unlike in the states, school runs from June to March with summer being half of March and all of April and May. Next Saturday, March 22 is their graduation from preschool to kindergarten, the big leagues! 

{The adorable Kinder 2 class I've been teaching}

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tree Planting

As part of a carbon monoxide reduction program, if one plants 2,000 trees than you get a grant towards parish hood development. When my manager, Patrick, heard about this he jumped on the idea. And now, the Foundation is setting out to plant 2,000 trees.

During the first tree planting activity, it was a horrid rainy Saturday this past Fall so I skipped out. But there was no missing out this time. It was all hands on deck.  Therefore, this past Saturday morning the staff of the Foundation headed out to its farm.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lent Reflection: Little Acts of Love

In case you missed the announcement on Ash Wednesday, the YASC volunteers have come together to share their own mediations. Every day for the season of Lent, one of us will reflect on the readings by sharing our insights and experiences. Please check out the blog!

Monday, March 10 was my first day for reflecting. Here it is in case you missed it on the YASC Lenten Blog.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Weekend Reading

{image via}

It's not every day that work includes following a man through thick woods with a machete in hand hacking away the path as we went. I have a few battle scrapes on my feet to prove it! Honestly, I don't even know where this week went. I was falling asleep last night thinking, ok tomorrow is Wednesday so I need to.... no, tomorrow's Friday.

Read on for posts from other volunteers...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Little Things

This week has been filled with catching up on paperwork, loan releases, interviews, inspections, and everything in between since the office was officially closed for a week due to convention. It has been so busy, I don't even know where the week has gone! On top of regular office work, I've been finalizing all preparations for the Social Entrepreneurship happening here next week and Buck and Emily's visit, which is happening the week after that. Many exciting things coming up but it's busy, busy, busy!

{Rice fields are almost ready to be harvested, again}

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

I don't think I've ever truly understood the meaning of lent until this year. It's about self-reflection and opening up your heart to God. I feel like lent has been happening for the past six months. Self-reflection, prayer and accepting God's relationship have helped me immensely throughout this journey. For lent this year, I believe I'll keep doing what I've been doing for the next 40 days.

{The cutest kids sporting their ashes at preschool}

Monday, March 3, 2014


Early on in my year here, I proposed that the Foundation work on making a promotional video or a vide report instead of their normal powerpoint presentations. I was charged with the task of making this happen for the Diocesan Convention report.

I started collecting interviews and video content in September, but then al of sudden Diocesan Convention snuck up on me and I had to put together our report! Sir Patrick was very impressed. And the Convention delegates appreciated a change. I think there are audio issues, but there is always something to improve.

Watch the report below to learn more about the organization I've been working with and to hear from some people I work closely with on a day to day basis.

Thanks for reading!