Monday, February 10, 2014

I've Moved!

I've been posting little previews on Instagram (here and here) but it's finally happened! I've moved! And today I'm giving you the full tour and how the move went down yesterday, February 9th.

First let me say, this was no easy feat. I couldn’t have made the move without the help of my co-workers and neighbors. Basically without the help of strong men to carry my fridge, armoire, and heavy desk, it wouldn’t have happened. I'm greatly appreciative of everyone taking time out their weekend to help me out.

{Entering through the front door}

After church on Sunday, Fr. Clarence was supposed to preside over the blessing of my house before I moved in. However, his wife was hospitalized the day before. I didn't find out until I was in church so the house blessing was postponed. My things were already packed and ready to go so the moving commenced. 

{Everything packed and ready to go! Happy that I'm slightly a hoarder and kept all the boxes from packages I received. They greatly helped in the moving.}

Moving everything took about an hour or maybe less. Afterwards, Ma'am Andrea knocked down some fresh coconuts (bukos) and chopped them open. Everyone enjoyed fresh buko juice (coconut water) and buko (coconut meat). I continued to unpack and arrange everything. 

I let Zoe roam around the compound while we moved so she'd be out of the way. At one point I went back to check my old room to make sure everything was out of there. I found her in the bathroom looking so confused. She was so excited to see me! I led her to our new place for her to become acquainted. At least now the front door leads directly outside for her instead of into staff housing. 

{My old room looks so much bigger without all my things in it.}

There are a couple of things I enjoy about my little two bedroom, one bath duplex. Number one is I have a real kitchen! No more sharing my cooking space with my bathroom. Number two is I feel more part of the neighborhood. I'm not shut off in the guest house. The duplex is neighbors with another duplex where Anti Mary and Anti Andrea live. I can sit out on my porch in the evenings and see the kids and dogs playing. 

In general, it feels more homey. I'm greatly enjoying this new space and hopefully, Zoe is too! Now for the tour of the new place! 

{View of the living room from front door and view of my bedroom from the living room. The door you see on the right is the second bedroom.}

{View of my bedroom from the door. I can't decide if I'll keep the curtains up because the windows are smoked glass. The curtains seem to make it darker.}

{View of my bedroom from the corner of with the chair.}

{My rattan chair I picked up at the Bambanti Festival! Sometimes I like to bring it out to the front porch and read.}

{View of the kitchen from the living room.}

{Kitchen details. Love my shelves!}

{I finally have a gas burner with two burners! I can cook two things at once and no more electric stove!}

{Looking back onto the living room from the kitchen.}

{Another view of the kitchen from the back door.}

{Bathroom; shower is to the left along the wall. I love the green tile with light pink paint.}

{Bathroom details. Still have my electric shower heater so no cold showers!}

{Mango tree right outside my place. It actually feel down during a typhoon but even with half its roots out of the ground, it's holding strong. I even have some fruits starting to grow!}

{My new place! Still looks a little like a construction site because the other side of the duplex needs to be built.}

{View from my front door. You continue down the path to the office.}

Let me know what you think of my new place in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

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